Try Creative ePCR Free for 30 Days

See Why We Call Our App the 24/7 Solution


Creative ePCR, from Creative EMS, is the electronic patient care reporting app that’s always on, even when you're offline, with all-access tech support provided around the clock.

Available for iOS, Android and Windows devices, Creative ePCR easily integrates with dispatch and billing, and is completely customizable.

Get a Free Trial

In a limited-time offer good until May 31, 2019, Creative EMS is giving ambulance agencies the opportunity to use Creative ePCR free for 30 days. Get your own demo account and download the mobile app to see how its intuitive user interface shifts medics' focus from data collection to patient care.

We'll show you how the app can be tailored to your agency's unique needs, how to import calls from dispatch and export records for billing, and other features, including:

  • Availability with or without Internet access

  • A Digital Body Map for quick assessments

  • EKG integration

  • Ability to attach photos to patient records

  • Location-based capabilities

  • Robust, customizable ambulance checklist

  • Management reporting and analysis

  • Multiplatform support across all mobile devices

Risk-Free Offer

This free trial offer is truly free: No form of payment or future commitment is required to get started. To take advantage of a 30-day hands-on demo account, please contact us by May 31, 2019.

Email your request to (enter "Creative ePCR Free Trial" in the subject line) or click below to complete our Request a Demo form.


Creative ePCR | The 24/7 Solution